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10 Useful Tips on How to Write a Proper Essay

A proper essay can be an easy and even fun thing to write if you have an idea what you are doing. I have assembled 10 tips that will prove to be useful when writing an essay properly.

  1. Stay on topic. I cannot stress how important it is to remain on topic throughout your entire essay. An essay that sways away from the topic will lose and confuse the reader which will be your demise. If you don’t know if it is on topic, try reading your thesis sentence again and make sure it is exactly in line with what you are trying to say. Answer the question thoroughly, and make sure you reach a conclusion by the end of your paper.
  2. Do not procrastinate. Procrastination is your worst enemy. A proper essay takes some times, so make sure you give it your time and energy. If you rush things at the last minute I guarantee that it will not be your best, most polished work.
  3. Brainstorm your topic. It is important to make sure that you have a topic you want to write on and that it has enough information to write about. Brainstorming will help you to choose the right topic.
  4. Create an outline. An outline will help you to stay organized and to stay on topic. Outlines do not take much time to take and can follow the same basic format. Try writing an outline for long and short papers to make your life easier and your essay better.
  5. Proofread your Work. Even though this seems like a sort of over-rated step, believe me it is not. Even the most talented writers make mistakes and are not perfect. Unfortunately, Microsoft Word does not catch every mistake, and even can create new mistakes with its grammar software. Have a friend look over your paper too to catch any mistakes that you might have missed.
  6. Relax. I promise, this paper is not the end of the world. Calm down and write as much as you can in one sitting, but don’t stress if it doesn’t all come at once. Do not mistake this as procrastination, scheduled breaks can work wonders for your writing. If you find yourself making excuses, chances are you’re procrastinating.
  7. Use only words you are comfortable with. You are not a human thesaurus, and that is okay. Don’t try to be. Nothing looks worse than someone trying to sound “smart” by using words that they are not quite sure of the meaning of. Work within your comfort zone and over time you will develop a better and more professional sounding vocabulary.
  8. Write multiple Drafts. Sometimes you can’t get everything out the way you want it to the first time. It is helpful to write your paper over two and even three or four times. No one likes writing something more than he or she has to, but great works of writing take multiple re-writes. Don’t be afraid to start over, but make sure you learn from what you did the first time.
  9. Don’t write for your teacher/professor. This is a common mistake among students. Pretend that your professor is not your primary audience; you should have a target audience in mind when you are writing your paper. You will need to explain any technical jargon or things that an average person might not understand.
  10. Set some goals for yourself. Good goals for writing include, but are not limited to.
    • a. What you want to get done each day

      a.i. Monday: Brainstorming and outline

      a.ii. Tuesday: Draft 1

      a.iii. Wednesday: Draft 2

      a.iv. Thursday: Draft 3/Proofreading and Editing

      a.v. Friday: Final glance, print, turn in

    • b. Word count goals
    • c. Something you need to work on

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